Monday, June 22, 2009

1000 lbs of plaster ...

in the back of my van = suuuper duuuusty caaab = nasty


looking south - ish

thanks for the cor-plast siding!

dumpster diving > free cor-plast scraps > cut into shakes > reside the
facade with it > white, red, yellow & black > and onward!

munch kitchen

yup - custom kitchen paint job courtesy of the fire / heat - Edward
Munch eat your heart out

Sunday, June 21, 2009

looking up

inside the front door, looking towards the back of the house and up
through ye old remaining rafters. both the room on the left and room
on the right on the lower level have been enlarged by the removal of
the dividing walls, each becoming studio spaces (enclosed studio on
the left and open studio on the right)

harvesting floor planks for making tables, cabinets & skylight frame

in the attic looking back towards the front of the house

opening it up

looking back towards the front of the house, down into the main floor
from edge of the main attic room. the new opening in the attic floor
is 16' x 13', and the small balcony over the front door & across the
16' gap is about 8' deep and 23' wide (full width of the house). there
is attic flooring to the right of the new opening (beyond picture
frame) which covers the second smaller room downstairs and which also
connects the main attic room with the balcony space